注意事項 Important Notes 1. 如有需要,應提交有效的商業登記證明副本、其他補充文件及資料。
A copy of valid business registration certificate, other supplementary documents and information should be submitted if required.
2. 每則招聘刊登申請最長可刊登3個月。 The maximum duration for each posting is 3 months.
3. 申請獲接納後第一部份內容將刊登在本校網頁“就業機會”內,版權為本校所有。本校有權可對該招聘信息內容作出修改。第二部份則只供本校內部職員查閱。 Upon acceptance, “Session 1” will be displayed on our website - Job Opportunities. The copyright (website) belongs to MPU, and the University has the right to amend the information posted whenever appropriate. “Section 2” will only be viewed by MPU staff.
4. 澳門理工大學學生事務處聯絡資料。Contact information of the Student Affairs Office, MPU: 電郵 Email : sao-career@mpu.edu.mo;電話 Phone : 8599 6553 / 6463 / 6625;傳真 Fax : 28706747。 地址 Address : 澳門高美士街 A119室 Room A119, Rua de Luís Gonzaga Gomes, Macau
5. 填妥表格後請先列印,再按“提交”按鈕,而列印表格需簽名蓋章後以電郵或傳真方式交回學生事務處。 Please print out the completed form before pressing "Submit" button, and send the form with signature and stamp to the Student Affairs Office via email or fax